Why email Marketing is essential to growth

January 12, 2024

In an age where businesses are constantly trying to reach their target audience, the debate between email marketing and social media is never-ending. Both have their advantages, and understanding the differences can be a game-changer for growing your business.

Don’t you think your brand needs to use email marketing? I’m going to give you five reasons why it does.

1. You’ll grow a loyal audience.

When it comes to engagement, quality triumphs over quantity. Unlike social media, where users follow everybody and everything, an email list is made up of YOUR audience, who have actively chosen to receive information from YOU. This active interest creates a loyal audience, making email marketing the perfect way of testing special offers, promotions, and events.

2. Average email ROI is almost £29 for every £1 spent.

One of the biggest strengths of email marketing lies is its impressive return on investment (ROI). Data shows that, on average, for every £1 spent on email marketing, businesses see a return of almost £29! This is a clear indicator of the effectiveness of well-crafted email campaigns. Remember - email marketing isn’t just about customer engagement - it’s also an essential way of driving sales and conversions. (source)

3. Organic social is dead.

Because of constant algorithm changes, your audience is highly unlikely to see your posts organically anymore - unless you can plough an enormous budget into ads. The era of "comment if you see this" strategies is behind us. Using email marketing instead will make sure your messages ARE reaching your audience.

4. 99% of email users check their inbox every day.

How many times have you checked your emails today? Social media usage can fluctuate, with people going through stages of using one platform over another, but email is a daily ritual for most internet users. According to Hubspot, 99% of all email users check their inbox every day, with some checking as many as 20 times. This massive engagement presents a unique opportunity for businesses to stay consistently on the radar of their audience. So making sure your audience likes what they see ensures that your emails will be opened every time they’re sent.

5. Build Expectations

Email marketing allows you to establish a routine with your audience. By consistently delivering valuable content, promotions, or updates on specific days, you can create a sense of anticipation in your audience. This helps to build a connection between your brand and your audience, leading to futher engagement on your other platforms. Remember, regularly communicating with your audience ensures that you build trust, and keeps you at the forefront of their minds.

So there you have it - five reasons why your business needs to be using email marketing. When you bear these points in mind, and combine them with strong design that resonates with your audience, you’re bound to win.

I’ve been designing emails for almost a decade, and know every trick in the book. So if you want to make an impact in 2024. Get in touch for a no-commitment quote.